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The FTP page of the Options window (accessible from the Tools, Options menu item) contains FTP settings.
The Tools->Options->FTP window allows you to define FTP configurations that can be used on the Destination page in the New Backup Wizard or Backup Properties windows. You can add, edit, copy or delete an FTP connection using this window. In order to add a new FTP connection press the Add button. The New FTP configuration name will appear in the list and you can enter the other settings for this connection.
Name Here you can enter an arbitrary name for the connection.
Host address (host:port) In this field you have to enter the name or IP address for the FTP server and a port number if different than the default FTP ports (20, 21). The format is host:port, e.g. ftp.Backup4all.com:1002
Destination folder Here you can specify a destination folder on the remote FTP server where the backup will be stored. If the entered folder does not exist, it will be created on the server. If no destination folder is set, Backup4all will automatically create a folder using the name of the backup job.
User name If this is a private FTP server (no anonymous access allowed) you have to enter the user name for your account.
Password In this field you can enter the password for the FTP server. There are FTP servers that allow anonymous access (public FTP servers). You can connect to these types of FTP servers using as user name Anonymous and your email address as password. It is not recommended to backup important files to public FTP servers.
Additional settings (like proxy access, SSL connection) can be configured by pressing the Advanced Settings button. You can press the Test button to check if the FTP details you have entered are correct. If the test was successful, The FTP connection was tested successfully message will be displayed.
If you want to edit an FTP configuration, just select it and change the details in the fields below the FTP list window. The changes will be saved once you press the Ok button. For easy handling, once you have an FTP configuration defined, you can select it and press the Copy button - a copy of the configuration will be created, the only difference from the original being the name. To remove a configuration, select it and press the Delete button.
When destination server is not ready The first number (Retry option) indicates how many times the application tries to access the destination server if it is not available. By default this option is set to 3 attempts. The second number (wait option) indicates how many seconds to wait between two consecutive attempts to access the destination location. By default this option is set to 5 seconds. This option is useful when the destination FTP server has restrictions (i.e. only 2 users logged in the same time, no. of accesses etc.) and insures that if the FTP server cannot accept your connection, it will not be "hammered" by sending log-in requests frequently.